Where to Find Under-Represented Minority Faculty Candidates for Your Search

Your search to build an inclusive faculty pool for open positions within your departments should start long before the actual position becomes available. It is critical to create pipelines for under-represented under graduate, graduate and post-doctoral candidates to flow into tenured faculty positions. If after review of these resource you need further support, please contact the ADVANCE FADO office – 7-5112 or advanceuncc@uncc.edu
To post job advertisement to Ford Fellows listserv send it to ymhuet@uncc.edu
Search Committees, particularly in the STEM disciplines, are often under the misguided assumption that there are very few women and/or underrepresented minority candidates in the recruitment pool. The University of Washington and UC Davis offer a number of excellent strategies and resources for search committees to ensure that the candidate pool is diverse.
Diversity Recruiting Resources
Minority Recruitment Websites from UT Health San Antonio, Office of Inclusion and Diversity An excellent resource listing numerous websites that can help you search for and connect with diverse candidates
The University of Washington’s Resources for Hiring a Diverse Faculty

ADVANCE UC Davis resource page to broaden the candidate pool

Other Directories
- Columbia University: Guide to Best Practices in Faculty Search and Hiring: Excellent Resource for Identifying Places to post Job Advertisments to Ensure a Diverse Pool of Candidates – see page 28. Also, an excellent resource for Readings about Hidden Bias, with Summary and Key Points for each reference cited – see Pages 32 – 39
- Faculty Diversity Resources – a Searchable Registry prepared by Texas Tech University
- Wiseli (University in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute – U Wisconsin-Madison): Searching for Excellence and Diversity: Recruiting Resources for Search Committee
- The Diversity Trio Job Board: The DiversityTrio.com group of job boards are the highest traffic specific sites for diversity in the higher education space.
- SREB Scholar Directory – The Scholar Directory is a database that showcases more than 1,000 accomplished doctoral scholars and successful Ph.D. recipients who are committed to pursuing careers in the professoriate. The database offers faculty and research recruiters an economical way to reach a diverse group of people. It includes access to: vitae, profiles, research and scholarship areas, as well aFlorida es other information for all doctoral scholars and Ph.D. recipients who have attended the Institute on Teaching and Mentoring, the largest gathering of minority Ph.D.s and Ph.D. candidates in the nation. It includes scholars from The Southern Regional Education Board (SREB)
- Log in/Password required to access SREB Scholars Database: log in: 434916/ password: SUB01017
- The National Institutes of Health (Bridges to the Professoriate NIGMS-MARC)
- The Alfred P. Sloan Indigenous Graduate Partnership (SIGP)
- Science Foundation Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP)
- The National Science Foundation Directorate for Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences (SBE)
- The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Minority Ph.D. Program (SLOAN)
- Florida Education Fund (FEF) – contact for individual information. The database (behind a paywall) requires a login
- Ford Fellows Directory – Database of highly trained and talented academics from diverse backgrounds.
- IMDiversity.com
Formerly known as the Minorities’ Job Bank, IMDiversity.com was established by the Black Collegian Magazine. The site is dedicated to providing career and self-development information to all minorities, specifically African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans and women. It maintains a large database of available jobs, candidate resumes and information on workplace diversity. There is a charge to post jobs on this website. - The Faculty for The Future Project
Administered by WEPAN (The Women in Engineering Program and Advocates Network), the website offers a forum for students to post resumes and search for positions and for employers to post positions and search for candidates. The website focuses on linking women and minority candidates from engineering, science, and business with faculty and research positions at universities. - NORC Career Outcomes of Doctoral Recipients.
Each year the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the US Department of Education and the US Department of Agriculture issue the results of their Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED). Their report includes data on the number and characteristics of individuals receiving research doctoral degrees from U.S. institutions. It is used frequently to determine the availability of new scholars in a specific field. The data is listed by gender and field, and by race/ethnicity and field. - Click here for links to numerous Black Academic and Professional Organizations
- Note, there is a charge involved in posting job positions to the following database:
- nemnet
Nemnet is a national minority recruitment firm committed to helping schools and organizations in the identification and recruitment of minority candidates. Since 1994 it has worked with over 200 schools, colleges and universities and organizations. It posts academic jobs on its web site and gathers vitas from students and professionals of color.