Leadership Programs from Other Institutions

Leadership and Career Development
In addition to the university-wide mentoring efforts, ADVANCE offers a variety of programming designed to help faculty grow in leadership and in their careers. Some programming is offered to all faculty, while other offerings target specific groups or cohorts. Programming includes formal training and informal events where faculty can gather to share ideas and insights. These sessions are offered throughout the year, in a variety of formats and settings to meet faculty’s needs. The programming provides an opportunity to tap into UNC Charlotte faculty members’ expertise as presenters and facilitators, as well as offering a venue for outside speakers to share insights. Leadership UNC Charlotte is a signature series offered by ADVANCE, featuring intensive workshops for faculty leaders.
Leadership and Career Development Resources Offered by Other Institutions
Leadership America
“The longest running national women’s leadership program in the world–was established in 1988 to recognize and bring together executive women who have achieved success in their professions, communities and beyond.”
Bryn Mawr Summer Institute
“The Summer Institute offers women administrators and faculty intensive training in education administration. The curriculum prepares participants to work with issues currently facing higher education, with emphasis on the globalization of higher education and the growing diversity of the student body and the work force.”
Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) Academic Leadership Program
“Established in 1987, the Academic Leadership Program (ALP) is designed to develop the leadership and managerial skills of faculty on CIC campuses who have demonstrated exceptional ability and administrative promise.”
American Council on Education
“Since 1918, ACE has provided leadership and a unified voice on key higher education issues. Through advocacy, research and innovative programs, ACE represents the interests of more than 1,800 campus executives, as well as the leaders of higher education – related associations and organizations.”
The Women’s Leadership Program
The Women’s Leadership Program out of the Center for Creative Leadership is designed for and staffed by women, brings together the powerful assessment and feedback tools found in other Center programs, coupled with research-based content that centers on issues and perceptions unique to individual interests.
Simmons School of Management Leadership Conference for Women
For 31 years the Simmons Leadership Conference has set the standard for women’s professional events, presenting an extraordinary blend of thought leadership, motivation, and above all, networking.
Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM)
“The nation’s only in-depth program focused on preparing senior women faculty at schools of medicine, dentistry and public health to move into positions of institutional leadership where they can effect positive change.”
Committee on the Advancement of Women Chemists (COACh)
“COACh is an organization of individuals concerned about the slow progress that is being made in reaching gender equity in academia in the chemical sciences.”
Institute for Women’s Leadership at Rutger’s University
“The institute is dedicated to examining issues of leadership and advancing women’s leadership and involvement in decision making in all arenas. The interaction among the member units of the consortium encourages scholarly and practical explorations of how institutions are structured by gender, race, and ethnicity and promotes new understanding of women’s leadership.”
The Institute for Management and Leadership in Education at Harvard University
“MLE is designed for experienced administrators responsible for thinking strategically about their institution’s academic change agenda: new curricula, new modes of delivery, new alliances, and more diverse students. The program helps you assess the effectiveness of your own leadership and clarify how well your institutions are positioned to meet future challenges.”