RESOURCES for Search Committees including Evaluation Rubrics and Link to Project Implicit
Below, you will find a plethora of resources that will be invaluable in all stages of your search for a new faculty member – from writing the advertisment, to evaluating the candidates.
Click HERE to access the UNC CHARLOTTE Employment of Full Time Faculty Checklist.
This document contains ALL THE INFORMATION associated with a search process at UNC Charlotte, from preparation to appointment.
Departments should be having ongoing discussions around the direction the department is moving towards, and what this means for potential faculty hires in the future.
Make a copy of this Google Form and circulate to departmental faculty so they can identlfy potential faculty candidates through interactions with post docs, late-stage graduate students or faculty they were impressed with at conferences or workshops they attend.
- Checklist for employment of full-time faculty
- UNC Charlotte Office of Legal Affairs Interview and Search Committee Guidelines
- The Faculty Recruitment Process
- HERC of the Carolinas: The Higher Education Recruitment Consortium of the Carolinas – an excellent resource for dual-career hires. HERC of the Carolinas connects talented professionals with the best higher education employers in the East, listing hundreds of jobs from our member colleges and universities, community colleges, teaching hospitals, and research institutes.Our member institutions are committed to diversity hiring and dual-career couples, and our jobs cover the broadest spectrum of business functions, academic disciplines, and career stages.
- List of places your job advertisement will appear because of UNC Charlotte’s membership in HERC of the Carolinas
- Diversity Trio Job Boards: The group of job boards are the highest traffic specific sites for diversity in the higher education space. Hundreds of thousands of unique job seekers view the job boards every month.
- When Two Bodies Are (Not) a Problem: Gender and Relationship Status Discrimination in Academic Hiring
- Lack of Diversity in Academia is Driven by Social Search in Academic Networks: Some Thoughts and What Can Be Done About It
- Gender Decoder: find subtle bias in job ads:
- A clear and consistent assessment rubric (i.e., the criteria by which committees and other decision-makers evaluate applicants’ qualifications and potential), and assessment plan (i.e., the process by which committees evaluate applicants, make selections at each stage of evaluation, and ultimately make recommendations to the voting faculty and/or to leadership with hiring authority) facilitates an efficient and effective assessment of job applicants
- Furthermore assessment rubrics and assessment plans assist in mitigating the impact of personal and collective biases in the evaluation process.
- Tenure-Track Rubric Examples:

AAAS Diversity and Law: Neutral Strategies – Faculty
This Diversity and the Law: 2021 resource is funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Grant No. G-2019-11443). It does not constitute legal advice, providing only general directional law-attentive guidance. Consult your own lawyer for institution-, fact- and jurisdiction- specific legal advice
Diversity and Law 2021 – Overview of Resources with links
One aspect of best practices is ensuring that diversity language is featured in job ads. Language is one element that can contribute to attracting a diverse pool of qualified candidates. Such language can include:
- Experience with a variety of teaching methods and/or curricular perspectives
- Previous experience interacting with communities of color or diverse student groups
- Experience in cultures other than their own
- Academic experiences and interests in culturally diverse groups
- Interest in developing and implementing curricula that address multicultural issues
Strategic Interview Questions
- Examples of Questions that Focus on Job-Related Behaviors
- Strategic Interview Questions for Department Chair/Administrative Searches
- UNC Charlotte is committed to building a culturally diverse environment. How would you further this goal?
- How have multicultural issues influenced and /or been a part of your teaching, research and outreach/service?
- What do you see as the most challenging aspects of an increasingly diverse academic community?
- Follow up question….
- What initiatives or strategies have you taken in your previous capacities to meet such challenges?
- How does diversity relate specifically to this job and how do you incorporate diversity into your day to day work?
- Describe strategies (that you have used or considered) for creating an inclusive learning environment for your students?
- Provide us with examples of how you have managed diversity in your classroom setting.
- Has diversity played a role in shaping your teaching and advising styles?
- Questions to Ask to Help Create an inclusive Applicant Pool
Best Practices for Building An Inclusive Faculty
- A welcoming work environment is one that reflects the diversity and values of the University. Diversity in sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, should be an integral part of the ongoing effort to create and sustain an inclusive environment. The strategies and tools in this guide can facilitate an LGBTQ+-welcoming environment. Visibility is critically important for recruitment, particularly for the recruitment of LGBTQ+ faculty. Please click here to access the guide
- Social media has the potential to expand your recruitment reach and tap into new audiences. See 7 Tips to Building Inclusive Recruitment Through Social Media
- Columbia University: Guide to Best Practices in Faculty Search and Hiring: Excellent Resource for Identifying Places to post Job Advertisments to Ensure a Diverse Pool of Candidates – see page 28. Also, an excellent resource for Readings about Hidden Bias, with Summary and Key Points for each reference cited – see Pages 32 – 39
- Building the Faculty Pool: The candidate pool is the single most important factor in the success of an initiative to diversify the faculty
- Effective Strategies to Diversify STEM Faculty – excellent powerpoint with numerous institutions contributing to the content
- Best Practices for Hiring Disabled Faculty Members
- 3 Myths Plus a Few Best Practices for Achieving Diversity – Scientific American
- How to Do a Better Job of Searching for Inclusivity
- Search Committee Practices to Enable Equity
- How and Why We Built a Majority- Minority Faculty
- Best Practices for Recruiting and Retaining Women in Physics by The American Physical Society. A useful resource for Recruiting and Retaining Women Faculty in STEM disciplines in general
Faculty Recruitment Toolkits from Other Institutions
- Michigan State University
- University of Washington
- University of Michigan Workshop in Powerpoint Format: Faculty Recruitment for Diversity and Excellence
- Wiseli (University in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute – U Wisconsin-Madison): Searching for Excellence and Diversity: Recruiting Resources for Search Committee

- Project Implicit is a non-profit organization and international collaborative network of researchers investigating implicit social cognition – thoughts and feelings outside of conscious awareness and control. Project Implicit is the product of a team of scientists whose research produced new ways of understanding attitudes, stereotypes and other hidden biases that influence perception, judgment, and action.
- Project Implicit translates that academic research into practical applications for addressing diversity, improving decision-making, and increasing the likelihood that practices are aligned with personal and organizational values.
- Project Implicit will allow you to determine your conscious and unconscious preferences for over 90 different topics ranging from pets to political issues, ethnic groups to sports teams, and entertainers to styles of music. At the same time, you will be assisting psychological research on thoughts and feelings.
- Sessions require 10-15 minutes to complete. Each time you begin a session you will be randomly assigned to a topic. Try one or do them all! At the end of the session, you will get some information about the study and a summary of your results. We hope that you will find the experience interesting and informative.

Outsmarting Human Minds shines light on our implicit biases. Explore the mind’s blindspots with our episodes and tests, and apply insights from the science to make better decisions in life and at work